Madagascar: A Musical Adventure is a fun and lively musical that brings the beloved characters from the popular DreamWorks animated film Madagascar to the stage. Now, imagine enhancing this wild and exciting production with Scenic Projections by Broadway Media. Our digital backdrop show packages transport you to the unpredictable world of Madagascar, creating a visually captivating experience that complements the lively storytelling. From the lush jungles to the bustling Central Park Zoo, our projections add an extra layer of magic to the colorful and adventurous world of the film. With catchy and infectious songs, including I Like to Move It and Best Friends, the musical celebrates the importance of friendship, courage, and embracing the unknown. Broadway Media's Scenic Projections complement the heartwarming and family-friendly nature of the musical, as it explores themes of the joy of adventure, the power of teamwork, and the spirit of embracing one's true self. Madagascar: A Musical Adventure is a celebration of the joy of friendship and the excitement of exploring new horizons, leaving audiences of all ages with smiles on their faces and a sense of wonder and delight. Don't miss the chance to experience the wild and lively world of Madagascar in a whole new way with the magic of Scenic Projections. Get ready to embark on a thrilling and unforgettable musical adventure with Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melman, and all their colorful friends!Read More
Madagascar: A Musical Adventure JR Production Photos
The Kings School
Greater Atlanta Christian School
Greater Atlanta Christian School
Greater Atlanta Christian School
Greater Atlanta Christian School
Greater Atlanta Christian School
Trusted by our Theatre Community
We are a small rural school. Digital backdrops were amazing. The support team was awesome. I couldn’t have done this show without the Digital Backdrops! They were fantasmorific for James and the Giant Peach TYA