Broadway Media

Legally Blonde

Step into the vibrant and sassy world of Legally Blonde with our fabulous Choreography Guides, inspired by Jerry Mitchell's original Broadway choreography. This Tony Award-nominated musical takes you on a fun and empowering journey of self-discovery and determination. Whether seasoned professionals or beginners, our digital video guides will turn your cast into dancing sensations, capturing the essence of this hilarious and heartwarming production. From the iconic Bend and Snap to high-energy dance sequences, wow your audience with show-stopping routines that will have them laughing and cheering. Elevate your storytelling with our captivating Scenic Projections, transporting your audience from sorority houses to Harvard Law School, complementing Elle Woods' inspiring journey. Embrace the music, laughter, and messages of empowerment with Legally Blonde and Scenic Projections, creating an unforgettable and empowering theatrical experience.Read More
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We are a small rural school. Digital backdrops were amazing. The support team was awesome. I couldn’t have done this show without the Digital Backdrops! They were fantasmorific for James and the Giant Peach TYA

Chillicothe Middle School
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