Experience the enchanting world of Disney's Frozen KIDS, a heartwarming and magical musical inspired by the beloved animated film. Join sisters Anna and Elsa on an epic journey of love, courage, and self-discovery in the kingdom of Arendelle. Broadway Media's Scenic Projections enhance this enchanting production, immersing you in the breathtaking landscapes of the icy kingdom, from the majestic ice palace to the snowy fjords. With unforgettable songs like Let It Go and Do You Want to Build a Snowman, the musical celebrates the unbreakable bond of sisterhood and the power of embracing who you are. Get ready to be captivated and moved by the wonder and warmth of Disney's Frozen KIDS, a musical that leaves you with a smile and a belief in the magic of true love. Broadway Media's Scenic Projections bring the icy kingdom of Arendelle to life, celebrating the joy of friendship and the power of love.Read More
Shane StewartMcKinley Middle Academic Magnet School
Jessica CiminoK O Knudson Middle School
Janet Rider-BabbittMagnolia Arts
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We are a small rural school. Digital backdrops were amazing. The support team was awesome. I couldn’t have done this show without the Digital Backdrops! They were fantasmorific for James and the Giant Peach TYA