Prepare for a high-flying and magical adventure with Chitty Chitty Bang Bang JR., where Scenic Projections transport you on a heartwarming musical journey. Meet quirky inventor Caractacus Potts, who transforms an old car into a fantastical flying machine. With his children and spirited Truly Scrumptious, they embark on a journey to save their grandfather from the wicked Baron and Baroness Bomburst. The Sherman Brothers' charming score celebrates imagination, family, and believing in the impossible. From the candy-filled kingdom of Vulgaria to breathtaking sky adventures, this musical captures the wonder of childhood dreams and the power of family love. Join Chitty Chitty Bang Bang JR. on a thrilling and heartwarming journey, embraced by captivating Scenic Projections that will ignite your belief in the magic of imagination.Read More
We are a small rural school. Digital backdrops were amazing. The support team was awesome. I couldn’t have done this show without the Digital Backdrops! They were fantasmorific for James and the Giant Peach TYA